Our clinic uses various techniques to help the nervous system regulate. Adjustments are gentle, safe and effective. The hand held Activator is a precise instrument to correct the spinal and peripheral joints.

Our techniques also include SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique), Functional Neuroscience, many pre and post natal preparation and recovery, and Paediatric specific assessments and procedures.

What to expect at your appointment

Our unique process will educate you about your problem and the treatment you need, while empowering you with information on the healthy living practices that should not only get you well, but keep you that way. On arrival you’ll be greeted by our friendly reception staff.  

Please call during our office hours on 9981 4333

Our Process

  • Long term functional care

    Sports injury and performance

    Neurological examination 

    Women’s health and pregnancy care

Chiropractic care for

  • Paediatrics

  • Pregnancy, Pre & Post Natal Care

  • Sports

  • Neuro Rehab

  • Wellness Care